Thursday, September 27, 2007

Exam FFever

yes,its examination time once again...
my half-yearlys (i hope i got the spelling right!) are starting tomorrow (bang on with the colourful subject called 'chemistry')...and here i am pouring down my take on 'examz' and the hype surrounding it.....
in class thoughout the term, i am almost the unofficial joker; I hop from ankita's(ankit as i call her) desk to fogla's desk discussing the latest bestseller,movie, how silly a certain someone is ; or just randomly picking up a chat with the teacher in charge....or whoever shows the slightest inclination to blabber or simply listen to me blabbering.
As long as the teacher's teaching i give 99.8% attention(c'mon even '''science''' students have their limits!) ,but no sooner does the teacher disappear from the classroom that i jump out from my chair ,ready with new stories and PJs.

The scene 2 weeks before the exam:
pallavi: anchal,have u started studing??i am gonna flunk...u kno i havent even finished my chemical bonding
i say: no yaar...u wont
she:i swear i will..
me:no u wont...i will
she:no u wont.........
and it goes on ....its the favourite timepass conversation actually..
what i am actually thinking :* is chemical bonding there in the syllabus ?i never! *

the scene 1 week before the black day:
anu: shit,i am getting tensed yaar...,shit bludy shit...shit ...shit
madhurima(pouring over the permutation sums): how do u do these.
i say(all confident): well ....errr.....dont worry...people have been taking science 2nd terminals long before we we learnt how to change our undies.
i think:*hmmm...studies...a rite....ya...ohk...exams are coming up...i shud be studying right?*
i get the biggest shock when i see Rhea,and Maha(sweta) doing accounts ...concentrating..! whoever said commerce students dont stud....and science students are nerds must have been a .....grrr(bunk.)

one day before the exam:
i start getting all jittery(i was the one who was consoling others just hours back) and there is a funny feeling deep in my belly...
"this too will pass..,like it always does.....chill down",i tell myself...
the days of exams are usually spent sleeping, eating, roaming around the house like a zombie,chatting with mummy(u feel less guilty chatting than u do watching TV),listening to shitty songs, and flicking through pages of the book....
thinking what u will do after the exams(although i have stopped thinking about this one...its just not worth it)

and finally the monster exits...leaving ou exhausted ,but happy.... year.
then the countdown to the finals begin and the same story follows ...

"i'm gonna flunk"
"no you wont"
"i say i am"


Clezevra said...

true. glad mine just got over.

Dhruv said...

thats the thing about dreams isnt it....even hurts me more than anything else to have them crushed i still end up having more and more of them....whether i like them or not theyre here to stay so i guess for me the trick is just too accept that theyre never gonna come true.

Khangra kati said...

you have a very good way of translating your thoghts into precise words ...........not only thoughts ....even feelings.......!!!!!
the scenerio which you described couldn't be worded better !!!!

Elendil said...

Hehe.. exams. Been there, felt that :)

VelocityGirl (tm) said...

i thought it was half-yearlies, honestly!
And you know, if I had replaced the names, it would be a convo I had been a part of!!!